About me:

I like tinkering with computers, they are my only real hobby. I've used (GNU/)Linux since 2017, I currently use NixOS, which is a pretty niche distro that allows you to declaratively configure pretty much everything. Here is my slowly growing monstrocity of a config.


Currently my favourite language for general purpose programming is Rust. I have a basic understanding of C and C++, but I'm not a huge fan of them. I also like trying "weird" languages like Haskell or Janet, but I haven't really used them outside of small utilities. Working with Nix (the language) in the context of a configuration is quite nice.

This website:

The website is made with the leptos framework, because I wanted to make something with Rust. There isn't really anything here that i couldn't make with insert javascript framework, i just like working with Rust.

There aren't any real downsides to using leptos either. The WASM blob is very small in size compared to websites of today, as of writing it is under 400kB, not even accounting for compression (to give some perspective, the front page of google currently weighs 3.52 MB). Additionally even if you don't have WASM enabled for whatever reason the page will still mostly work thanks to server side rendering.

The font is IBM VGA 8x16, and you can find it here.

Other stuff:

I am running a matrix and xmpp server on here in addition to this website. Feel free to sign up to either, registrations are open.


You can find me on

XMPP: thunder@gooptyland.xyz
Matrix: @thunder:kotiboksi.xyz
Discord: thundertheidiot